Give Thanks for Others

In case you were wondering what the Lord thinks of certain kinds of talk around the holiday table (politics, religion, gas prices), this sums it up quite nicely. Just don’t go there. Appreciate the time you have with friends and family and keep conversations light, fun, and positive!

We won’t change what people think of us (or Jesus) in one high-spirited conversation, folks. First, it’s disrespectful to the host, who has worked hard in the kitchen to prepare for everyone. Second, Jesus never imposed his father on anyone. Third, talk is cheap. Actions speak much louder. If you represent Christ with diplomacy, peacefulness, and kindness, that will go much farther in swaying the minds of many than speaking with harshness, judgment, or condemnation.

Yes, we are to be truth and light for a world that is suffering. Yes, we should try to win souls for Christ. But only when we can model Christ-like character in doing so. To model anything else does not serve His purpose. It actually does the opposite. Think of the bible-thumpers and radicals who get mocked and resented for what they passionately impose on others.

When I reconnected with Jesus, I was so excited. Naturally, I wanted to share Him with others in an upbeat and obvious way (some would say that I’m still like that, lol). But I learned fast that some were just not receptive and became offended. Today, I’m cautious about when, where and with whom I talk about Him. If talking about Him is going to lead to tension or conflict, I won’t go there. The Prince of Peace wouldn’t want me to get into arguments over Him.

Friends, the enemy enjoys wreaking havoc on familial relationships. Don’t give him the satisfaction this year. Insist on bringing a side of peace to the dinner table, and fill up on the fruit. If it means zipping your lip at times, that’s okay. Silence is golden. Turning your cheek is, too. Both are surefire ways to redirect the conversation and get under the enemy’s skin.

This year, give thanks for your relationships. Pray for grace and peace during the holidays. Ask the Lord to pour out His peace over your table. And don’t forget to set a place for Him at the head.

Christmas blessings to all.